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We are designers and we created this section with designers in mind: a simple list of Dos and Don’ts for each licensing type. But feel free to click on the “Show more” button in order to consult the full License Agreement.

App EULA Do’s and Don’ts

If you’re creating an App for a mobile device and you want to use one of our fonts then this is the license type to go for. You license neue App fonts for a particular amount of titles up to a particular amount of monthly active users. We usually deliver Desktop formats (OTF, TTF) for such purposes but we can also provide Web formats (WOFF, EOT) on demand.


  • You may use the fonts in the number of titles and up to the number of monthly active users you have licensed them for.
  • You may embed the fonts into Apps.
  • You may create a back-up copy.


  • You may not distribute the font files in any way.
  • You may not use the fonts in more titles and for more monthly active users than you have licensed them for.
  • You may not embed the fonts in documents an App might create.
  • You may not alter the fonts in any way.
  • You may not use the fonts for purposes they weren’t licensed for.

Further Information

Try before you buy. neue offers Trial Fonts for each family with a reduced character set Download trial fonts. Want to customize one of our retail fonts? Sometimes a small modification of an already existing neue font does the job Learn more about Custom Fonts. Let’s have a Video Call in case you prefer it over writing emails Schedule a video call. Get in touch: neue, c/o Alexander Roth, Im Wellenbügel 14, 32108 Bad Salzuflen, Germany Find us on the mapEmailInstagramLinkedIn.